Using and migrating to Linux ...

You're moving from Windows to Linux. You've decided you want the stability, flexibility, and cost savings of Linux, but you have many questions in your head. Isn't Linux like Unix? Isn't Unix hard? Where do you begin to make sense of all of this? Is there a map you can follow?

This roadmap is designed to help you take the experience and knowledge that you already have in computing and redirect it to working in Linux. It's not the only reference you'll ever need, but it will help you get past some of your first obstacles and adjust to a new and more cost effective approach to computing.

Step 1.
Thinking in Linux

The first step to success in Linux is learning to think in Linux. Take what you already know and redirect it to doing things the Linux way.

Step 2.
Introduction to Webmin

While it is important to know the nuts and bolts of administration, it is often more convenient to have a tool. Also, a higher-level application makes complex configurations easier to handle. Webmin provides point-and-click configuration for beginning and experienced administrators.

Step 3.
User administration

If a system has no users, is it really a system? Learn about the Linux approach to users.

Step 4.
Linux logging

Linux makes extensive use of logging. Nothing is hidden from you. Becoming comfortable and familiar with logs will allow you to monitor the health of your system and track activities.

Step 5.
Working with file systems

File systems are at the heart of every server. Linux provides a lot of flexibility in its file systems.

Step 6.

Linux on the network unleashes its full potential. However, Linux networking looks very different on its face. You'll need to learn some new terminologies and new tools.

Step 7.
Backup and recovery

The first line of defence against disaster is a backup of the data. Linux provides different options, some of which are very simple to work with.

Step 8.
Installing software

Linux can use pre-packaged binary files, or you can compile programs directly from source code. The tools for installing Linux programs are very useful and provide functionality you might not expect.

open source
migration how-to
roadmap linux